Sunday, February 24, 2013

Three Obstacles to Success and How to Overcome Them (Part 3)

If you are trying to succeed in an online business, but are finding
the road full of obstacles and failure, you need to identify what
these obstacles are and whether or not you are on the right track.

Here are the three more reasons we have identified as obstacles to

1. Many Entrepreneurs Fail or Achieve Only Minimal Success
Because They Don't Follow Up. While following up with leads
can be greatly automated, following up with a paying customer
is something that should be a lot more personal. Done properly
customer followup can multiply your business many times over.

It is far easier and much less expensive to make a repeat
sale than to create a first sale. If you want to be able to
go back to a customer with another offer or you want that
person to be a regular customer, you must follow up with them.

If you simply can't do it personally, at least have a system
in place that tracks your customers and follows up on your

2. Many business people fail because they don't have the right
tools or the knowledge to use them. No matter what business you
decide to pursue (even an offline business), there are tools
associated with doing that business -- "tools of the trade."

On the internet, tools which greatly enhance your business are
the ones which enable you to market and promote more effectively.
There are some really great tools in this arena, but most are
woefully inadequate in one respect -- they don't do enough to
explain their benefits and train people in their use.

3. This ninth point relates to the one above and may not cause
you to fail if you don't have it, but it can certainly make your
business a whole lot easier and more profitable. It is the number
one thing that is on the "wish list" of those of us who had to
learn the ropes the hard way.

The easier way to do an online business is to travel the path of
someone who has been down the road and mapped all of the pitfalls
along the way. Rather than making those same mistakes you have
the luxury of benefiting from the experience, hard work, money
and education that has already been invested by others.

At BetterWebBuilder, we have addressed these issues and have the
system to generate leads, capture their information and follow up
with those leads to turn them into customers.

BetterWebBuilder was created by two brothers with a combined 40+
years in the business. They have been down that road and want to
help others find their way.

If you would like to find out more, just visit:

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