Thursday, June 20, 2013

Becoming A Master Marketer

By Rivercrest
Becoming A Master Marketer in MLM requires Embracing “Old School” and “New School” Methods of Prospecting
If you Integrate Internet Marketing and Relationship Marketing you will be unusually successful in your MLM.   Ignoring Old School  methods and only embracing the New School methods is simply foolish.
I was amused to learn the words Web 2.0 and then later, Attraction Marketing.   As a home based business owner I have built my business using the Internet, postcards, using leads I purchased and the phone, and using face to face marketing. I have been using those methods to build my business long before there were labels attached.
Network Marketers across the world are embracing the New School way of building an MLM business by tapping into the millions of prospects who are online looking for ways to become financially free.   They are learning how to set up their blogs, build capture pages,  and how to market those sites using social media like twitter and Facebook, search engine optimization and video marketing. The question is How Many Of Then Are Really Making Money??
Now, I don’t really believe that there is scarcity of prospects, but there is scarcity of attention spans.  And if all the New School Network Marketers are out there teaching  Attraction Marketing, and posing as experts  where does that leave YOU? If you are trying to claim your spot on the net, how will you stand out?   How will you generate a lead in an environment where everyone is standing up and yelling “pick me, pick me” ?
I don’t know folks, I just don’t know… Maybe just maybe you’ll  have to go back to the Old School  methods of prospecting.
What are the Old School  methods, really?  Does it mean making a list of your friends and family and expecting them all to be your business partners?  That each and every one of them is just waiting to be an entrepreneur?  Or how about standing at the mall and accosting strangers about making extra money, doing just what you are doing?  No way, you say.   That’s how you end up in the NFL, No friends left after you have unprofessionally approached them all with something that they weren’t asking for.
Is that really what is meant by Old School networking?  Of course it isn’t,  but its what you will hear from those who will tell you that the “Old School” methods of building a MLM business are dead.  They will make the offline methods sound stupid and downright degrading.  They will make it sound like you’d  be a fool to follow the advice of the MLM millionaires who all built their business offline, because things are different now .
Come on, do you really think things are THAT different?  People are still people, and this is still a word of mouth business.
So what does Old School really mean, and why should you have respect for the “Old School” masters, instead of disdain for the term?
Its Relationship Marketing at its best.  It is listening for the needs of people and giving them an option to fill those needs. It’s connecting with people in who are looking for what you have to offer.
It was never, and never will be about chasing your friends and family, people!
Right now, there are people all over the world making huge money in MLM building OFFLINE, using Old School methods.
Right now, people are collecting six figure checks.
Are you?
If not, perhaps its time you took a look at expanding your skill set to include offline methods of building your business.
If you are really an entrepreneur with a product or service that the market is asking for, then you should have no trouble connecting with people who have a need for what you offer.
I’m an Internet Network Marketer online as well as being a offline marketer and have been building my business this way for several years.  I can generate  leads online and offline and call my prospects and, expose them to my business through a presentation.
However, I take every opportunity to look people in the eye and hand them my business card.   Their attention is far more valuable than the hundreds of clicks I will get to this blog post.  They are far more likely to take action to either become a customer, or even a distributor.   Why? Because I built a relationship with them in person or on the phone and professionally introduced what I do.   I heard their need and I addressed it.   They can see that I am genuine, am not at all a slimy salesperson, and if they have a desire to move forward, its on them.
My friends and family know what I do, and they are my CUSTOMERS.  They aren’t entrepreneurs, and I wouldn’t prospect them for the business opportunity.  But they do BUY MY STUFF!
If you are a closet entrepreneur, you are missing a huge profit zone.  Get over it already and be the professional you strive to be.   Introduce your product or service and let everyone know what you do..  Would a paycheck for doing so really be so bad?
There is so much more to this- pages and pages worth.  But you really must know that all of the internet marketing prowess in the world is not going to make you residual millions in MLM.  You simply must learn the skills of Relationship Marketing.   Your upline leader making 6 or 7 figures can tell you how to build a huge business. But you have to  Listen!
By all means, learn and understand Attraction Marketing and apply those methods of lead generation.  But what the heck are you going to say to those wonderful people who have asked you for more information?
I guarantee that if you work on your offline prospecting and phone prospecting that you’ll   make more money.   Unless you are incredibly poorly suited for this profession, you cant go wrong when you increase your skill set in those areas.
When you learn how to combine the Old School with the New School Attraction Marketing methods , You will be unusually successful!


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